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1 Asked by THE DEALER
23 Apr 2011
Additional Details
I have noticed in my leauge alot of the top clubs seem to buy players then that player a few days later they get a + ratings change?
It just seems strange that within days they get a positive ratings change
It dosent happen to me like that!
Its like they know who to buy before ratings change is due , i know you can see which country's players are next up for changes but to get two or three at a time is odd?
What do you think?
I know that many people, myself included, spend a lot of time looking at player stats and can accurately predict large numbers of rating increases that will take place soon.
Often there are too many to buy and when a country is flagged up for review, I then decide whether to buy them or not. Then, a few days later, they rise.
Nothing suspicious in it - the forum is a good place for rating tips if you don't have time or desire to research players yourself.
Answered by tebthereb - 13 years ago