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they must have a massive budget. perhapse they will want to sell some players to stay out of debt.

the above answer is absolutely correct. i would only add that the measure sm mskes to stop this is the 'morale' feature. if, for example, one of the 8 'keepers is played most of the time, the morale of the other 7 will decline, leading to reduced performances. This means that, if the main 'keeper is suspended, unfit or injured (albeit rare for a goalie), his replacement will not be able to perform as well as his rating would suggest.

you may want to bring this to the attention of sm as, in my opinion, it is unrealistic to have a monopoly of the best players for one position.

in the meantime, you can only buy improving players and wait for their sm rating to change. I wouldn't be surprised if this manager needs to sell soon though. keep the players you want on your shortlist and perhaps you will be offered one when their money has run out.

Good luck

Asked by Rob Morgan - 14 years ago

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