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0 Asked by Scott Dixon
30 Jan 2011
Additional Details
I joined this league newly because my mate reserved Aston Villa in it. I joined as Bolton as the Game World begun. After the first league game I decided to join Division 5 because I was originally going to join that Division but my mates were not in it but they are now. But when I left I wouldn't let me join the Game World again. I was confused because I had already joined it and now it says I can't join it when I want to rejoin it. What????
its because you left the first club, then joined a 2nd club and left all in a short space of time so ALL the remaining clubs Chairmen believe you to be unreliable as a manager..i have several GW`s with Caretaker managers for unmanaged teams i dont want the com to sell of its best players while i find new managers, so i put the caretaker into 2 clubs in 1 week to arrange the u21 rosters, so when i applied as the Caretaker for a 3rd club the clubs chairman rejected me because of this very reason. the way around it is if the GW is owned by a person and not Sm they can offer you the position, taking out of the Chairmans hands..hope this helps as it was posted a while back.
Answered by Steve Willzy75 - 11 years ago
The SMFA can prevent a manager from entering a Game World if they believe they already have an account in or are linked to an account already within the Game World. However, this does not mean that the SMFA have accused you of cheating, as they have only blocked you to ensure the Game World remains fair. If the SMFA have blocked you from entering a Game World, they will not reverse their decision and it is advisable to try and enter another Game World.
Answered by Francesco Totti - 14 years ago