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We want everyone to be able to enjoy Soccer Manager in their own language. By using our simple translation tool you can help to translate the site into your own language and in doing so open up the world of Soccer Manager to your friends, family and work colleagues. So that we can reach the greatest number of people, we now provide a community translation tool to allow our members to translate the site into their own language. Once a number of translations for your language are complete and the quality verified by the community, the translations will be made available for all Soccer Manager users.
It is simple to register as a translator for your language. First access the community translation tool and select your native language, that you are fluent in. You will then be asked to fill in a questionnaire, answering the questions using good English. This is because we try to ensure that those who register will be able to accurately translate the English text into their native language. This helps to improve the translation system for genuine speakers of each language and ensures that the quality of the translation is to a good standard.
The basic operation of the system is as follows:
There are 6 'tabs' in the translation tool:
For the community translation system to work effectively, there needs to be people both providing translations and rating existing translations. Each original text has been assigned an invisible 'importance' rating by Soccer Manager. This is measure of how key to playing the game each text is. The lists in the translation tool are ordered so that the important texts appear first. For this reason we would suggest that once a number of translations have been provide by other translators, it is more beneficial to rate the existing translations as this will ensure that the most important texts are placed live on the game first.
Each translation starts off with a rating of 5. Translations are rated by providing 'good' and 'bad' votes through the translation tool. A 'good' vote increases the rating of the translation by one and a 'bad' vote decreases the rating of a translation by one. When a translation exceeds a pre-determined value (e.g. 7 but may differ between languages), it will be put into use on the game. The 'Awaiting Your Rating' tab is used to rate existing translations as it contains all the translations you have not yet rated. The following rating options are possible:
Occaisionally, incorrect translations will be put into use on the game. For example, a translation may receive a number of 'good' votes as it is an accurate translation of the original text. When this translation is put into use, you may realise the text is inaccurate when seen in context. This may happen if the original text had a double meaning. In this case, SM cannot remove the incorrect translation as we do not have speakers of each of the supported languages to confirm that the translation is incorrect. This is why the rating system is used.
If you do see an incorrect translation, search for it through the 'Search' tab of the translation tool and vote the translation as 'bad'. Provide a correct translation if none has already been provided. Translations which fall below a preset rating will be periodically removed.
You may wish to discuss the translation in the forum with other translators, or send a private message to the translator, to get more 'bad' votes for the incorrect translation.
Very occaisionally, a situation may arise where a translation of the same original text is correct in one place of the game and incorrect in another. This may be the case if the word has a double meaning. In this case, use 'Request help with this text' on the translation tool and then tick 'This string is untranslatable'. In the additional information box, enter the problem with the translation and the two pages where the correct and incorrect translations appear. We will then change the text on one of the pages to remove the conflict.
In some cases, it may not be possible to translate a text without seeing it in context or knowing where it appears on the game. You may be presented with the text 'Forward' and need to know if this means 'Striker' or 'Move in the direction you are facing'. Use 'Request help with this text' on the translation tool and then tick 'I need further clarification on how this string is used'. In the additional information box, enter any information that will help us to understand your problem. When we receive a request for clarification, we will search for the places in the game where the text appears and place a comment on beneath the text that clarifies the meaning.
When you write a translation, a counter at the bottom left of the entry field will show the number of characters remaining. We have to place a limit on this to try to prevent display problems. If you run out of characters, firstly try your best to abbreviate your translation to allow it to fit. If there is no way to fit an understandable translation with the available number of characters, use 'Request help with this text' and 'This string is untranslatable' and enter the translation you would like to use and the number of characters needed in the additional information box. When we receive your request we will extend the number of characters available.
Language: English
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